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Johnny LaRue's Crane Shot
Saturday, July 2, 2005
Let The Revenge Fit The Crime
Now Playing: RAPE SQUAD
The late Bob Kelljan was a very good director of low-budget action movies and television shows during the 1970’s, in particular three vampire movies for American-International Pictures: two COUNT YORGA pictures and a BLACULA sequel (perhaps Kelljan became typecast in the genre, as he also helmed a STARSKY & HUTCH episode that guest-starred John Saxon as a killer who thought he was a vampire). Probably his most obscure film is 1974's RAPE SQUAD, an AIP sickie with a politically incorrect title and whiplash-inducing message swings between female empowerment and sexploitation.

Familiar television guest star Jo Ann Harris toplines as Linda, a lunch-wagon proprietress who becomes the latest victim of the Jingle Bells rapist (Peter Brown), an egotist in a hockey mask and orange jumpsuit who forces women to sing the Christmas carol while he assaults them. The police, represented by detective Long (Ross Elliott), are ineffective, so the victims decide to organize a “rape squad”, a vigilante group with a 24-hour hotline dedicated to capturing rapists, mashers, perverts, pimps and even obscene phone callers. They take karate lessons from diminutive Tiny (Lada Edmund Jr.), who teaches them how to crush a mannequin’s testicles with a baton. Soon, the newly empowered women are running all over L.A. at the drop of a dime, entrapping a sleazy club manager with an eye for Harris’ curves in a see-through dress and beating a street pimp with a habit of smacking around his girls. Naturally, ol’ Jingle Bells discovers the women’s game plan to crush his jewels and plots a return match.

Like many exploitation movies of the era, particularly those from Roger Corman’s New World Pictures that teamed up three stewardesses, nurses, teachers, etc., RAPE SQUAD tries to have it both ways: to offer strong, independent female characters in control of their own lives while still dishing out a healthy amount of nudity and violence against women. Rape scenes were frequently inserted into these films for their titillation value, as an excuse to provide its slobbering audience with a pair of bare boobs. Of course, if the film doesn’t show rape as the horrifying and indefensible crime that it is, it runs the danger of not providing the drama with a strong motivation for the heroines’ revenge. It’s a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” scenario. Since RAPE SQUAD’s screenplay was penned by at least one woman (Betty Conklin and H.R. Christian receive credit), one can assume that the filmmakers were aware of the need to provide its rape victims (and the actresses who portray them) with a certain amount of sensitivity, while still paying strict attention to AIP’s commercial demands for boobs and blood.

Give Kelljan credit for handling the difficult material with aplomb, delivering a suspenseful and occasionally thoughtful thriller that may not have set the drive-ins on fire (RAPE SQUAD was re-released as the less incendiary ACT OF VENGEANCE, the title on the Thorn EMI/HBO videocassette print). Adding much to the film is Brown’s performance as the narcissistic rapist. Appearing in most of his scenes with his face covered by a hockey mask that predates the FRIDAY THE 13TH series, the handsome television star (LAREDO), who also played the heavy in AIP’s FOXY BROWN the same year, is positively sinister and sleazy, cutting off his victims’ clothing, brutalizing their breasts and compelling them to sing aloud (why “Jingle Bells” is never explained) and compliment him on his “lovemaking” skills. Harris, a beautiful brunette who began appearing regularly on TV in 1968, usually as a scheming vamp in episodic guest shots or as the lead in several unsold pilots (including the Jane Fonda role in a CAT BALLOU remake), gives an intelligent, sexy performance as Brown’s nemesis, a smart, self-sufficient small-business owner who risks her life--and, in an unusual twist, the lives of her friends--in her obsession with her attacker’s capture. She’s so good in the role that I was unable to accept her relationship with wiseass boyfriend Tom (Steve Kanaly, later on DALLAS), an insensitive, irresponsible ass not worthy of Linda.

Where RAPE SQUAD has really dated is in its portrayal of the authorities’ investigation. Statements are taken by male policeman who insinuate that the victim may have invited her attacker to rape her, and the medical examination is shown as a cold, sterile, clinically depressing exercise. Thankfully, laws have since been passed that make it easier and less embarrassing for a rape victim to report her crime. It would be interesting to see a contemporary remake; the elements for a commercial thriller are certainly there, especially the notion of five sexy young women kicking the asses of men, who all are depicted in RAPE SQUAD as being sexist thugs. Undoubtedly the Kanaly character would receive a personality transplant in any modern version, which probably wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Tony Young (POLICEWOMEN) appears as a date rapist who receives his just desserts from the “squad”, along with Jennifer Lee, Connie Strickland, Patricia Estrin and Lisa Moore as Harris’ fellow vigilantes. RAPE SQUAD was reportedly heavily cut when it was released in Great Britain as THE VIOLATOR, as are television prints aired on so-called “uncensored” cable networks. Like other unheralded ‘70s drive-in flicks like THE CANDY SNATCHERS and BONNIE’S KIDS--well-made, offbeat thrillers that are difficult to see today--RAPE SQUAD is worthy of a crisp DVD release.

Postscript: Subversive Cinema has scheduled a Special Edition release of THE CANDY SNATCHERS this August, a DVD certain to be one of the year's most anticipated.

Posted by Marty at 9:59 PM CDT
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