What's that, you say? You've never seen THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN or its spinoff, THE BIONIC WOMAN? Whoa...you are missing out, my friend. When is Universal getting off its ass and putting these two hugely popular adventure series on DVD?
If I have piqued your curiosity, spend 90 seconds with Bill Shatner and Robby the Robot as they give you a crash course in bionic awesomeness:
By the way, Shatner guest-starred in "Burning Bright," an amazing first-season SMDM, as an astronaut who becomes super-smart as a result of an accident in space. It's a neat sci-fi gimmick, but one with a surprisingly mature twist, as Shatner's brain becomes too primitive to handle the exponential increase in knowledge, which leads to a tragic ending on a power transformer. It's not as action-packed as a typical SMDM episode, but I like for Shatner's performance and for its adult slant.
Posted by Marty
at 5:47 PM CDT